Vladimir Filipović, PhD
Full Professor at Department for computer science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Member of the Modelling and optimization group within Department for computer science.
I was born on June 17 th 1968, in Podgorica, Montenegro where I completed my primary and secondary education with excellent grades, GPA: 5.00/5.00. I was awarded the "Best student of the class '86" award in my High school "Slobodan Škerović", Podgorica.
In October 1987 I started the Computer science studies at Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. In 1988 I was awarded the Scholarship of the University of Belgrade, as one of the 40 best students of the University. From 1989 to 1993 I was on a Scholarship of the Fund for Science Promotion of the Government of Serbia, given to the 100 best students of all Serbian universities.
I obtained BSc in Computer Science (May 1993), at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia, GPA: 9.71/10.00. Dissertation: "Iterative Algorithms for Solving Linear Equation System on Transputer Computers”.
In January 1998, I got my MSc degree in Computer Science, at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Dissertation: "Proposition for Improvement Tournament Selection Operator in Genetic Algorithms”.
I got my PhD in Computer Science in June 2006, at the same institution - Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Title of the thesis: "Selection and Migration Operators and Web Services in Evolutionary Applications”.
Since 1993 I have been working at the Department for Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia, firstly as teaching assistant, since 2006 as assistant professor and since 2013 as associate professor. I was promoted to full professor in December 2019.
From January 2007 until June 2016 I served as the Head of the Software Examination and Certification Laboratory at Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade University.
From January 2008 until December 2011 I served as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
From February 2017 until October 2017 I served as the Head of the Department for Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
I spent period between October 2017 and October 2018 on sabatical leave. During that period I worked as a Visiting Fellow at Department for Computer Science, Systems and Communications , on University Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy. In joint work with collegues from AlgoLab research group, we developed novel metaheuristics for some important problems in Bioinformatics, such as cancer evolution interference, alternative splicing prediction and haplotype assembly.
From October 2007 until January 2020 I was visiting professor at University of Banja Luka Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
My profiles:
Google Scholar
Research Gate
Here is my short CV.
My e-mail addresses are: vladaf@math.rs, vladimir.filipovic@matf.bg.ac.rs and vladofilipovic@hotmail.com.
Hobbies: sport (volleyball and swimming), computer games, travelling...